Thursday, August 18, 2011


Jefferson Keith Langley
Ima Sumac Watkins

Everyone writes about trust. They speak about in every form of success modality and process of creating an elevated lifestyle. What has not been addressed at the core level of all energy and behavior is - reliability. Knowing what it is, how it feels, what it looks like and the nature in which to create it will be the most productive and life changing experience you can have with yourself. 

How to rely on situations? How to rely on others? What are the fears and dynamics that go with the realm of reliability that most humans struggle with in their daily lives? From all pertinent angles of the word, it always comes back to self just as everything else does. Can we rely on ourself completely? 

By nature, we are built from the strain of reliability that life is good, it is prepared for me to come and be born into the world with all that I will need and want - pre-sent - so that we may embrace life with the resources that equip us to propel through the terrain of energetic grids in an accumulation of like energy that has merged with itself to occupy this space and time in a body. No matter how you look at it, that took the nature of relying that all will be here with you in every moment of every day to flourish like gods and goddesses of the Earth in all that you choose to be and do. 

Becoming aware that you can rely on yourself in every moment and have already made the choice to do so - triggered your life into being like a rocket launched from it's pad of inception with nothing to stop it once it has projected itself toward it's intention. 

Rely: to depend on with full trust or confidence
ORIGIN MiddleEnglishfrom Old French relier ‘bind together,’ from Latin religare, from re- (expressing intensive force) + ligare ‘bind.’ The original sense was [gather together,] later [turn to, associate with,] whence [depend upon with confidence.]

Based on these statements since the beginning of time, it is safe to conclude that relying has been and will always be a principal component in everything we feel, believe, do, say, know, create and become. We had to depend with full confidence that each day there will always be air. Gravity is rampant. Hearts beat like a systematic pulse to remind us all is flowing in harmony. Love will always carry us through to the other side of any situation. We are bound together by - relying - an invisible force filled with intensity and expressed in order to gather together as a whole, not only inside us, but also with one another to commit and honor each other that we are reliable as humanity. For ourself and for each other no matter what stands in our way at our own hands or test of will - it is an inherent characteristic in all human beings. 

We use it as a glue for all that is our divine right to have and enjoy as a statement that we trust with full confidence in everything. That we and all things are associated by nature in totality. Nature associates us with it as though we are part of it. It relies on us to contribute and participate in the whole as the moving parts that make the wheel turn. Now, if  nature can give itself the ability to rely on, not only itself, but on us as well to be safe and secure that all is good and grand, then don't you think we can reciprocate the gesture in the same manner? Can't we reply to nature, the Universe and all that IS - that we rely on ourself and we rely on it as a whole. The Universe with all its moving parts stays in tact and continues to expand and evolve because it relies on itself and all that makes it up to what it is becoming. It never questions -  so why do we? 

I know with all my "reliability" in humanity and all those who read this blog and pass it on - that we will and always will be able to reciprocate this gesture to ourself, each other and the world around us. With love and support always and forever...
Article by Jefferson Keith Langley & Ima Sumac Watkins

If you are touched by this article - send it to all those who want to remember this the +1 button below as well as the GoogleBuzz button next to it so it permeates the information highway and reaches all of humanity! 


Friday, August 5, 2011


Jefferson Keith Langley

Regardless of who you are and what you do in life, everyone wants it to be the best it can be. We wake up everyday with limitless opportunities in front of us and the ability to turn them into solid results. The question is how. By adding substance to everything you do, you elevate your life to other levels of experiences where they impact and the duration extends to the edges of what is known and unknown. 

Just as we breathe the air in a natural and free flowing way, never once second guessing will there be enough air for me today, so too can we live life to the fullest by approaching it in a new direction. Substance comes from the life experiences we have gone through transformed into action and perspective so that it lays the groundwork for creating things that last. Always come from the heart and soul of the situation to add substance into our focus will guide its direction into a more linear and abundant way. 

It will layer things into a new system that lifts and pull closer the distant horizons our eyes stare out toward of a new day. When you get in your car, take in your surroundings differently. Look around you and notice what life has brought to you. Life has brought sunlight, air, smells of the flowers,  children playing, animals filled with unconditional love, tears to signal someone you care, waves from a passerby, smiles to bring joy to another who needs to see a bright face. The gestures from life to us are endless if we want to embrace them and enjoy them. Can we enjoy those gestures?

Follow it up with - what am I bringing to life? Am I bringing joy to the world around me by being passionate about what I do? Am I bringing to life a person who has depth and cares about my place in this world. Or do I walk all over my life and others in it with dirty thoughts, rugged shoes, ill intentions? Consider bringing grace to walk between the raindrops and float with the wind of an angel who is escorting our path. A thank you to those who are in our lives for reasons we appreciate as full as we can and validate those that their presence mattered even if it was only an instance. Promoting positivity and generous exchanges between each other so life can feel the value that it does not go unnoticed to any of us because we care to give back and invigorate it with our gift of loving it truthfully and honestly.

From this view up above, we can start to see substance is an important component to an elevated life every day because it brings meaning, significance, density, is the backbone of the Universal texture that seamlessly weaves us into inspiration and creating each moment of every day with purpose. The moments can be fleeting. The experiences will be over in the blink of an eye. Ask yourself: wouldn't you want the most out of it? It would be like speed reading through the journal of your life and even skipping pages just to get to the end without ever savoring the words on each page because you didn't feel it was worth it and neither were you.

We qualify our own circumstances by applying the substance of our own meaning into the picture of life.  At some point our existence will be referred to as ancient times. What have you done to imprint your own substance into the one life you have; so that when they look back to enjoy the memories of their past civilizations, they will notice you and say thank you for bringing meaning to a world that is built on truth. 

I encourage you to embrace your life with substance, apply meaning to everything you do be it work, play, giving, whatever it is to you and lace it with the deepest passion from your soul and heart so that the beat echoes into eternity that each moment you were here - it was full, expansive, strong, stimulating, meaningful, bright, important and you cared with all you are. 
Article by Jefferson Langley
(Ima Sumac Watkins)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

InSPIRIT - A DAWN OF NEW UNDERSTANDING - (Jefferson Keith Langley & Ima Sumac Watkins)

Written by Jefferson Keith Langley

Everything is energy. It is the very nature of all things material and nonmaterial,which includes emotion, perspective and the state of human existence. Before anything can be realized or recognized it must first start in a form or fashion of energy. Thoughts do not manifest, thoughts
are merely part of the chain reaction for energy to materialize and therefore can be shifted and changed at the energetic level. Neutrinos are a neutral subatomic particle with a mass close to zero and half integral spin, rarely reacting with normal matter. Three kinds of neutrinos are known, associated with the electron, muon, and tau particles.

If emotions are like all things generated from the original state of energy then that must mean thoughts, feelings, actions, etc are generated from energy at the base scale of origin. They do not manifest they are merely part of that process for energy to come into this time and space to notice itself. As living creatures we must also know the origin or inception to be so and have knowledge of how things can be shifted or changed all the way back at the origin stage of energy before ever having to become what it may be destined to be.

To change and shift the intention at the raw energetic level - before anything at all - therefore catapulting the energy into the stages necessary of noticing what we choose rather than leaving it up to random chance or random selection. To prove the theory that at the core of all fear lives the incubation of one germ stemming all fear which is - the question or doubt that we are noticeable in each and every moment. Furthermore, the theory that Einstein conceived “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” can also be interpreted in relation to this
concept, even at its origin before becoming anything, it already has an innate quality to want to be noticed into mattering be it through resistance or acceptance. The following judgements, opinions, perspectives, etc...ultimately are irrelevant and become only ways for the intended manipulation of self so the ego can notice itself regardless of the means.

All those who struggle with their lives or life itself, be it through work, friends, family, relationships, a disharmonious fashion in general by attacking, disrupting or judging all that is around them is a clear signal that they lack their own ability to notice self and continue to do so as the only way for them to matter in hopes that someone notices them even itʼs sacrificed for their own identity. They will always suffer from their own imprisonment due to their own innate nature of looking to the outside word to be noticed. This statement unto itself as I write this declaration is for me to notice myself and give it the mattering it deserves to participate on this plane at the highest and most abundant levels regardless of the opinions be it positive or negative, I am already grateful to BE and NOTICE SELF. Resistance and/or acceptance is irrelevant since I have already accepted it and myself into being.

If one spreads negativity or anything of the sort it will always return in the same fashion because that individual has chosen to notice itself through negativity rather than through the positive forms of mattering. They will find themselves encompassed in the subatomic particles that are charged energetically as so. To sum it up simply and magnified, for anything worthwhile to matter it must first meet resistance or acceptance otherwise it will go unnoticed. And once it has been noticed it has already changed the very paradigm of existence just by its declaration into being. All things that go unnoticed have yet to be realized of worth and the
infinite opportunities of the Universe have jumped to another possibility instead. 

So say things in the grandest way to be noticed. Do things in the expansive way to be noticed. Live life fully to be noticed. Otherwise they will always be ignored as things unworthy of resistance or acceptance. Either way itʼs all validation.

Article by Jefferson Keith Langley
(UNITY SIGNIFIED-Jefferson Keith Langley & Ima Sumac Watkins)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


To understand the concept of how to matter in a material world, we must first assess the true nature of mattering and how we as humans play a part of that. The material world was created to give us a significant point of reference for subatomic particles to bounce back and forth and shape into the material. What we bring to the table is the physical experience of our life - be it positive or not - as a platform wrapped in human emotions. A delivery system that conducts raw energy into three dimensions. To say that practical thinking or basic knowledge is by any way extracting the most out of life in this space and time, would be similar to inferring that a lear jet is being propelled by ceiling fan rather than an advanced turbine. Practical thinkers are minimalists by nature due to their own lack of well-being and driven by an innate insecurity of self-worth.

As we go through life, from our inception, we are collecting data through life experience and we begin to shape and shift ourselves into what those experiences instill. Our journey is to rise out from the experiences and know the difference between our true nature as a spirit in a human body and differentiate from the body what defines US. We are as true nature a positive radiant energy that comes from the highest source of all creation, the god of your heart, that chose to come into this space and time to be understanding not understood. To relish and savor the opportunity to BE with each other, to love one another and support our growth into harnessing and living our highest self of existence. WE are the masters of reality creation. WE are the masters of self-realization. WE are the masters of materialization. If we open our hearts and minds to the fact that we do not need each other we miss each other’s presence and have turned down our light and in doing so have become unrecognizable to one another. 

Now, we must elevate and rise up together arms wide open to each other with cradles of love to US ALL and realize we are here for a reason and that reason is only definable by our actions we take and the choices we make to participate and activate our commitment into the human cause. To eliminate the isolation and separation from one another and unite to spread harmony and devotion to that cause. We are worth it. We are the ones who must take responsibility to make the difference and step up with purpose and ambition that nothing will deter US from achieving greatness as a unified community. We make ourselves and all things around us matter by giving attention and emotion to it. The more powerful the emotion and the stronger we care from our deepest hearts, the more solidified it becomes and the more elegant it occurs. 

We must first look at ourselves and ask can we have it? Can we feel it? Accept it? Own it? Keep it?We are love and light at the purest form and until we can have that fact as truth; we will be floundering in our own doubt of self-actualization and self-affinity. We as Unity Signified offer this up, along with our deepest and most expansive nature of our truest self, we step forward and take initiative that humanity is worth it, deserves it and we will prevail. How do we matter in a material world? By simply caring to matter. 

By giving our hearts and soul to the world in the most abundant and open way possible. By allowing ourselves to shine while creating room for others to shine along with US. By stepping forward in any space in time and saying with fervor it matters to ME and I will dedicate myself to giving that to the world whatever it may be. We have that gift, we have that right and we have it in US...we just have to acknowledge it and share it with each other and this world will rocket into a higher way of life as we all do it together. It’s up to US!IT IS SO.....and SO IT IS!

Article By Jefferson Keith Langley
(UNITY SIGNIFIED - Ima Sumac Watkins & Jefferson Keith Langley)