Wednesday, June 22, 2011


To understand the concept of how to matter in a material world, we must first assess the true nature of mattering and how we as humans play a part of that. The material world was created to give us a significant point of reference for subatomic particles to bounce back and forth and shape into the material. What we bring to the table is the physical experience of our life - be it positive or not - as a platform wrapped in human emotions. A delivery system that conducts raw energy into three dimensions. To say that practical thinking or basic knowledge is by any way extracting the most out of life in this space and time, would be similar to inferring that a lear jet is being propelled by ceiling fan rather than an advanced turbine. Practical thinkers are minimalists by nature due to their own lack of well-being and driven by an innate insecurity of self-worth.

As we go through life, from our inception, we are collecting data through life experience and we begin to shape and shift ourselves into what those experiences instill. Our journey is to rise out from the experiences and know the difference between our true nature as a spirit in a human body and differentiate from the body what defines US. We are as true nature a positive radiant energy that comes from the highest source of all creation, the god of your heart, that chose to come into this space and time to be understanding not understood. To relish and savor the opportunity to BE with each other, to love one another and support our growth into harnessing and living our highest self of existence. WE are the masters of reality creation. WE are the masters of self-realization. WE are the masters of materialization. If we open our hearts and minds to the fact that we do not need each other we miss each other’s presence and have turned down our light and in doing so have become unrecognizable to one another. 

Now, we must elevate and rise up together arms wide open to each other with cradles of love to US ALL and realize we are here for a reason and that reason is only definable by our actions we take and the choices we make to participate and activate our commitment into the human cause. To eliminate the isolation and separation from one another and unite to spread harmony and devotion to that cause. We are worth it. We are the ones who must take responsibility to make the difference and step up with purpose and ambition that nothing will deter US from achieving greatness as a unified community. We make ourselves and all things around us matter by giving attention and emotion to it. The more powerful the emotion and the stronger we care from our deepest hearts, the more solidified it becomes and the more elegant it occurs. 

We must first look at ourselves and ask can we have it? Can we feel it? Accept it? Own it? Keep it?We are love and light at the purest form and until we can have that fact as truth; we will be floundering in our own doubt of self-actualization and self-affinity. We as Unity Signified offer this up, along with our deepest and most expansive nature of our truest self, we step forward and take initiative that humanity is worth it, deserves it and we will prevail. How do we matter in a material world? By simply caring to matter. 

By giving our hearts and soul to the world in the most abundant and open way possible. By allowing ourselves to shine while creating room for others to shine along with US. By stepping forward in any space in time and saying with fervor it matters to ME and I will dedicate myself to giving that to the world whatever it may be. We have that gift, we have that right and we have it in US...we just have to acknowledge it and share it with each other and this world will rocket into a higher way of life as we all do it together. It’s up to US!IT IS SO.....and SO IT IS!

Article By Jefferson Keith Langley
(UNITY SIGNIFIED - Ima Sumac Watkins & Jefferson Keith Langley)

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